Friday, April 10, 2009

Colic, Reflux or just plain fussy?

Our little girl is 3 weeks old, and bless her heart she cries all the time. She goes from zero to sixty in .05 seconds! Here is just a little back ground information. She was born one week early, and she weighed 5 pounds, seven ounces. She has a clean bill of health, and she has her one month Doctor's appointment next week. She is being breast fed and has "normal" diapers throughout the day.

Now let the screaming begin! She is quite the fussy little one! She doesn't cry at certain times of the day, so much as all day. It seems she is either eating, (sometimes crying while eating) sleeping or crying. She cries and throws her head back. Sometimes she cries and pulls her knees to her chest. She spits up a good bit and has hiccups a couple of times per day. We have tried everything except earplugs!

We tried Gripe Water for a couple of days, but it is not FDA approved. So, we stopped using that. We use Mylicon after almost every feeding; we call it her "desert"! We have heated up dry rice in a sock and put it on her tummy. We burp her in between each breast. We hold her upright after feedings. We have searched the net and have seen some funny stuff. Did you know for only $36.95 you can buy a DVD called Baby Fart Aerobics. It tells you how to move the baby's legs and other body parts to make him/her pass gas! We have seen tummy massage info on how to massage the baby's tummy to make her pass gas. There are special swaddling blankets that help babies from crying. Heck there is even a baby hammock that swings all night that will help your baby with gas and sleep! There is even a site that tells you what the baby wants or needs from the different sounds they make while crying! This one made Oprah!

Internet diagnosis is making us crazy! So, from all the different searches we have concluded that our baby has colic, reflux and all the while is just a normal newborn that is working this whole being out of the womb and in the real world thing out. If we bought all the gadgets we could spend a thousand bucks in no time. Or, we could use my parents tried and true method of driving around in the car! Gas is a little cheaper but it wouldn't take too long to burn through some cash! We have pretty much decided that in this "fix it now" world, that this may not be a fix it now kinda problem. Or maybe I'll just fork out the 36.95 and start my girl on the Fart Aerobics!!! Then again, we maybe the couple you see in the grocery store wearing ear plugs because we forgot to take them out at home!


Baby Fart Aerobics -


  1. Too funny! you should make your own baby fart aerobics DVD. I'd buy that!

  2. Do you know how many things are not FDA Approved that work wonders!?!?!? (Not to mention how many things that are that will kill you before you can get it stirred in your coffee?) Give that child whatever works!
    And, what exactly is colic; and, why wasn't it around when we were kids?
    She will work it out!

  3. I love the new blog! I cannot wait to hear more. I hate that Parker is crying so much! She is too cute to make so much noise! Hopefully we will see you again soon!
